Rakitna mast memorial trail from Selan to Vrnilce




    Below the church


Veljko Toman

Decembra leta 1893 so v hudi zimi na travnik pod cerkvijo pripeljali ogromno deblo jelke, dolgo neverjetnih 64 m, namenjeno za jambor, ki ga je naročil ladjar Angel Jazbec. Ves teden so potrebovali, da so jambor dokončno in gladko obdelali. Odstranili so mu dve zunanji letnici, ki sta neobstojni. V debelejšem delu so ga dodatno obtesali. Po vseh opravilih je bil jambor povsem gladek. Bil je tudi precej lažji. Meril je še vedno nad 10 m3, tehtal pa približno 8 ton. Naložili so ga na štiri posebno močne in visoke preme, na kolesa so nataknili debele, spredaj ukrivljene plohe, podobne sanem. Sledil je izredno zahteven prevoz proti Cerknici in Trstu. Pot, po kateri so potovali, je v glavnem potekala po nekdanji rimski cesti, ki je bila speljana naravnost, na nekaterih odsekih pa zelo strma. Po ravnem so praviloma vozili s šestimi do osmimi pari konj, v klance pa vselej z volovsko vprego.

  • In December 1893, during a harsh winter, a giant silver fir trunk was transported to the meadow just below the church. With its 64 metres it was incredibly long and it was designed to be a mast for the shipowner Angel Jazbec. It took them a whole week to finally even the surface of the mast. They removed two external annual rings, which easily decompose, and chiselled a bit more in the thicker part. After everything was done, the mast was completely smooth. It was also considerably lighter. The mast was still 10 m3 in size and weighed about 8 tons. They loaded it on four particularly strong and high axles and they placed thick planks on the wheels, which were curved in the front, similar to a sleigh. Then, a demanding transport towards Cerknica and Trieste followed. The path they took was mostly following the former Roman road, which mostly led straight forward and was in some parts rather steep. Going straight forward they usually pulled with six to eight pairs of horses and uphill always with an ox yoke.