Rakitna mast memorial trail from Selan to Vrnilce





Veljko Toman

Januarja leta 1894 so v hudi zimi za ladjarja Angela Jazbeca tod mimo peljali ogromen jambor, dolg neverjetnih 64 m, ki so ga morali pripeljati do ladjedelnice v Trstu. Na tem mestu se je začel prvi zelo zahteven klanec, ko so morali verjetno vpreči vse vole iz Rakitne. Strmi vzponi in spusti so se ponavljali vse do Bezuljaka. Na najzahtevnejšem delu je pomagalo okrog 30 močnih in okretnih fantov in mož iz Rakitne. Od Bezuljaka do Cerknice in Planine pa je šlo veliko laže in hitreje.

  • In January 1984, in harsh winter conditions, a gigantic mast of incredible 64 metres custom made for Angel Jazbec, a ship-owner, was transported through this area, heading towards a shipyard in Trieste. This is the area where the first very demanding ascent  started, for which they probably needed to yoke all of the ox in Rakitna. The steep ascents and descents continued all the way to Bezuljak. There were about 30 strong and nimble boys and men from Rakitna helping out in the most demanding part of the road. The road was much kinder and faster from Bezuljak onwards to Cerknica and Planina.elped out.