Rakitna mast memorial trail from Selan to Vrnilce




    At Jurčnik’s

Veljko Toman

Tu je bil doma Janez Opeka, ki se je na Rakitno priženil iz Dolenje vasi pri Cerknici. Najstarejši prebivalci pripovedujejo, da je bil izredno močan. Menda je lahko prestavil naložen voz. Ladjar Angel Jazbec je primeren jambor za poškodovano ladjo dobil prav pri njem. Po dolgotrajnem »glihanju« sta se dogovorila za ceno jambora in prevoza v Trst. Angel Jazbec je zahteval, da jambor ostane v enem kosu. To je povzročilo veliko dodatnih naporov in dela, ter močno podražilo prevoz. Stroške najzahtevnejšega dela prevoza od Rakitne do Bezuljaka je moral kriti kmet Opeka, vse ostale stroške s številnimi prepregami pa je plačal ladjar.

  • This was the home of Janez Opeka, who married into the Rakitna area from Dolenja vas near Cerknica. The oldest of the villagers spin stories of his remarkable strength. They say he could move a fully loaded wagon. It was him who sold Angel Jazbec, the ship owner, a suitable mast for his damaged ship. After a long bargaining session, they arranged the price for the mast and its transport to Trieste. Angel Jazbec demanded the mast should remain in one piece. This caused much additional effort and work, which led to higher costs of transport. The costs of the most demanding part of transport from Rakitna to Bezuljak were covered by the farmer Opeka, while the ship-owner covered all other costs which also came with a number of obstacles.